Truth be told, we have no idea how much a jukebox costs these days. In our minds, it's twenty-five cents, but there is no way that's true. Some questionable dive bars or diners might even charge you a buck for a song of your choice — we have no verifiable data on the global cost of a jukebox. What we do have is an upcoming Sunday Morning Playlist that we're putting together, for which we're looking for additional toe-tappers and shower singers that might be enjoyable for the 80,000-plus readers of this almost-daily newsletter to put on in the background or on their drive this coming Sunday morning. Feel free to respond to this email or leave a comment or two with any song suggestions that would be good for a Sunday morning. We'll send out the playlist then. DO NOT TELL JOHN FREAKING MULANEY ABOUT THIS.
The Flow Farmers Market, 2/10. Fresh produce and hula hooping on a Sunday.
Great-great-grandpa Louis
The Roots Issue is coming up next, believe it or not. If you took a DNA test and found out that your great-great-grandfather was Louis Glass, co-inventor of the first jukebox, we want to hear about it here.
Superb Owls
Owls don’t get the attention they deserve, in our opinion. Maybe that would change if we changed their official name to be the same spelling as a certain 123-million-viewer football game. Either way, these photos of them are pretty beautiful. Go Jags.
Other Good News & Happenings
The quest to save the rarest of the noodles — mama mia.
Send a Valentine’s Day message to a certain someone courtesy of these rescue birds. Two birds with one stone.
Historical actors wanted — powdered wig required.
A romantic dinner at Applebees is where we’ll be on the 14th. Love is in the mozzarella sticks.
Coming soon: The Grand Egyptian Museum. The editor has already booked her flight.
I Got The... by Labi Siffre
Whatever It Takes by The James Hunter Six
Hey Now - when I give you all my lovin' by Romare
Poppin Skittles by Madilyn Mei
June by Inner Wave
I'm a king bee by the stone foxes
Irish Goodbye by Sammy Copley
I won't run from it by the Big Red Machine
Those are a few picks from my long list of liked and loved songs that I want to share with anyone and everyone!
Disguise - Day Wave