Turns out the late Alfred “Alfie” Date, once the oldest man in Australia, dedicated a good chunk of his life to helping the “little penguin” species. Not by studying them or putting them in a zoo or anything like that. No, Mr. Date took the liberty of spending his final years knitting tiny wool sweaters for these injured little penguins. It all started with an oil spill and a request made by Phillip Island’s Penguin Foundation for sweaters to stop the penguins from grooming themselves and swallowing any oil. Alfie just couldn’t say no. He quickly rose to the top of the knitting ranks. The “most senior little penguin jumper knitter,” they called him. And in response to a news station down under, he narrowed down his good deeds to this: “The girls who used to work for me, they'll tell you I'm a sucker. I can't say no. It's a good way of getting along in life. You make friends all the time but you don't make a fool of yourself either.” Well said, Alfie. Being a sucker on a Thursday.
A new film from Morgan: Apricity. She’s a beaut.
The Case of the Missing Doughnuts
BREAKING: Doughnut shortages have been reported at numerous Dunkin’ locations across the country. The culprit is likely someone organizing a world championship edible ring toss, but we’ll leave it to the authorities to crack the case.
Neighborhood Manatees
It just so happens that Florida’s manatee residents are actually the new kids on the block circa 1700. Clear waters and warm temps brought these sea cows to the Sunshine State’s coast — typical.
Other Good News & Happenings
The World’s Okayest Skater Tour. No scooters allowed.
The power of conversations over a cuppa.
Hilde Dosogne, the first woman to run a marathon every day for a year.
PSA to Miami friends to stop by the Flow Farmers Market next Sunday, 1/19.