If a newsletter started with a sentence like, “Hundreds of king cobras have spilled onto a Wyoming highway due to an overturned truck,” you would probably say something like, “Hey, gang I don’t think cobras being on the run in bulk is delightful at all.” And we’d be like, “Yes, yes you’re probably right but the headlines were everywhere yesterday morning and being shared on concerned Facebook profiles all day and warranted a response from the highway patrol.” And then maybe you would say, “Wow that is crazy, hopefully, everyone is okay.” Then we’d follow up with, “Oh yeah everything is fine, the whole thing turned out to be not true but got caught up in an overturned rumor mill.” So the delight is there are not currently hundreds of snakes loose on a highway in Wyoming. See? A good day after all.
If you're not into Snoop Dogg's adventure at the Olympics then are you really alive?
Champagne Shipwrecks
Hopefully, you've caught on that we like lost things being found, especially of the sunken variety.
Monetary Turn of Events
The saying says "money can't buy happiness" but this is saying something else. Don't kill the messenger.
Stacked Up
Something to get excited about and tuck a bib into your shirt like a cartoon character — IHOP $5 stacks are back.
Other Good News & Happenings
We are shocked to inform you that there is an NFL football game tonight.
James Webb is at it again.