Likely a couple of proper BBQs happening this summer. Tips to prepare.
Invite the neighbors. Will keep'em from calling the coppers.
Be prepared. It's odd the number of times we are cutting watermelon, washing the dog, and taking the trash out when guests arrive. Don't be like us.
Use paper plates. They are biodegradable and they wash themselves. Or, whatever, just throw them right in the fire, Kenny.
Playlist or bust.
Ever call the coppers on your neighbor.
Come empty-handed. Your host might be busy when you arrive and could use a cold one.
Leave without asking to help clean up. Those people are the worst.
Free rent for a year? Sign yourself up.
The Happiest Surfers
Why and how surfing can make you happy as a part of "blue health" from the perspective of a former paratrooper.
What’s Better than Third?
If you'd like to meet more people, it turns out you'll have to venture out to more than just home and work. A third, other place.
Today in Dinosaurs
You can usually count on us to share any updates regarding new dinosaurs. In fact, you can always faintly hear the Jurassic Park theme song in the office.
Other Good News & Happenings
Exciting: a new more sustainable kind of chocolate. Less exciting: it's also better for you.
Take a stab at home brewing, but maybe don’t tell anyone about the 3000-year-old yeast thing.